Women give up...

On having fulfilling and successful careers for any of these reasons:

  • Climbing the corporate ladder doesn’t fulfill or inspire you

  • You don’t think anyone will pay you for what you love to do

  • Family obligations make traditional full-time jobs too complicated

  • After working in the home for a few years, you think your skills are obsolete

  • You know you have more to offer the world but don’t know what it is yet

These obstacles and many others prevent millions of women from even considering that they can have a prosperous and satisfying career.

I can help you envision, design, and follow the path to building your career on your own terms.

My Clients engage me to help build their careers and businesses in these areas…

  • Pick a Direction

    Let your skills and interests lead you to the most fulfilling career and life choices for you.

  • Build Your Brand

    Turn your skills into your own unique Personal or Business Brand and create the Roadmap for bringing your career/business to life.

  • Refine & Grow

    Use your Brand to help you serve your audience, hone your expertise, and grow your business and career.

What My Clients Say..

“I forgot how powerful and inspiring it is to connect with my previous accomplishments.”

Liz K, Mom of 3

“Thank you for bringing this out in me and for making it your mission to help women remember their worth.”

Kathleen B, Entrepreneur and Mom of 2

“I can see my business opportunity so much more clearly now. It's even bigger and more meaningful than it was before.”

Alyssa BK - Entrepreneur and Mom of 3

“It was so powerful to reconnect with my skills, get a clear picture of where I want to go next - and feel so inspired to do it.”

Nicole S. - Entrepreneur and Mom of 2

Working With Me

Is As Easy As...

  • Book a Discovery Call

  • Feel great about reconnecting with your skills and interests, and turning your restlessness into a roadmap

  • Bask in the power of designing your own successful business and career that works for you - not the other way around

Now is the time for women to use our interests and expertise to change the business world so that it works for us instead of the other way around!

We women have put up with enough false and f’ed up messages about what value we bring to the world, what roles we’re supposed to play, and how bold we’re allowed to be. We are SO DONE with that!

We come to the table with some mad skills - those we were born with and many more that we’ve learned along the way. These skills and interests are our Superpowers and they are exactly what the world needs right now.